
arte sonoro itinerante

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Noish - Black Nature [Hum.rec 2012]

New release that inaugurates Hum.rec label, which will support experimental sounds made ​​from the open source philosophy. (Free / Libre and Open Source Software) and in which “releases” also include the source code. Each release will be available for download – high-quality FLAC and also in physical format, in this case in cassette 40 minutes.
Noish – Black Nature

Monday, April 16, 2012

Institución_RS >> /dev/dsp RRS

RRS. Radio del Museo Reina Sofía
                                       Oscar Martín
                   Institución_RS » /dev/dsp



Download a PDF with text, graphics,  conceptual and procedural maps and ascii-art

Institución_RS » /dev/dsp presents the process of transcoding the digital images in the Museo Reina Sofía collection that appear on its webpage, providing an interpretation of the institution’s digital body and producing a sound that contains both a representation of culture and the process of its institutionalisation. Thus, José Val del Omar’s idea of converting the entire history of art into light and colour using mechanical processes is recovered.
In this case, digital processes and free software (strictly limited to Linux, Pure Data and Supercollider) were used to the transform and sonify archives of images, experimenting with different techniques based on the analysis and extraction of both visual and sound data and the use of these data to generate a new sound resynthesis.
Oscar Martín works somewhere between computer music, the aesthetics of error and generative noise in his pursuit of the construction of autonomous sound universes. He composes imaginary spaces that attempt to open up avenues for active listening and develop different attitudes towards the perception of the aural phenomenon.
The piece establishes a re-reappropriation of culture, insofar as it draws on the culture belonging to the commons and appropriated by the institution to transform it into free sound information. Institución_RS » /dev/dsp is like other works by Oscar Martín such as noise&capitalism.txt » /dev/dsp and trAnsCodE-> in that it, too, takes references from Code Art Brutalism (Simon Yuill)

links:   RRS  Museo Reina Sofía Radio
PDF english version
PDF spanish version
Audio 50 min MP3

Sunday, March 11, 2012

PILGRIM TALK PT[18] noish & xedh rlhaaa to

Noish & Xedhrlhaaa to c41
A.  coyote mp3
B.  psy htgu mp3

70 copies – silkscreened covers by NH

Released February 2012

Saturday, April 23, 2011


chaos audio teorie – extrange attractors–[from mathematical functions to organic jungle sounds]

EP: one track 25 minutes + code (pure data)
Release generated from the heretical use and the experimentation with the sonic possibilities of the iterative function “logistics” in a “complex number” versión [real+imaginary].

Inspirated but desviated from the research and work by “Elaine A. Walker”

f(xn+1) = 1 – rxn2

adding chaos to the chaos
jumping from attractor to attractor
eternal instability

3d Fractals modulate the temporal frequency of the iterations (Chaos PD external by Ben Bogart) Audio generators : I used [polywavesynth] a polyphonic synthesizer for Pure Data by Phil Stone and some other more simple oscilator, [nqsint] + FM-AM .
After record some audio blocks using the code included. I edited and mixed them into Ardour.

software : Pure Data + Ardour Linux: Ubuntu Karmic Koala

Download Audio  VBR MP3 31mb 
Download Audio WAV 256.6 mb
Download CODE (pureData)
noish [oscar martin]

Saturday, February 19, 2011

sound compilation ursonatefanzine nº 001

:::::::::::::::::DOWNLOAD ::::::::::500mb:::::20 audio tracks:::::


01::::::::Happy Birthday:::::::::Sergio Luque:::::::


03::::::::nxUrsonate04::::::::Miquel Parera::::::::

04:::::New Atlantic Ursonate::::::Ruben Patiñ

05::::Sin título para Ursonate:::::::Oier I.A.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


07:::strips of light through glass:::Daniel del

08:::Nosce te ipsum II:::::::::::Carlos

09:::::::untitled#247:::::::::::::Francisco López::::::::


11::::::::Silencio urz:::::::::::::::::Pablo Reche::::::

12:::::ursonate BUG:::::::::::::::::Pangea::::::::

13::::::::noisedelic 1:::::::::::Luis Marte::::::::::

14::3 Cunas Violadas:::::Christian

15::::::::San Vito::::::::::::::::::Ponzoña:::::::::::::


17::::Lxs Hijxs del Páramo:::::C-utter:::::::::::::

18:::::word trade zombi:::::::::::::Kakofunk::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


20:::Beautiful Noise (Silence Trope Version):::Neil Diamond/Juan Gil:::::::::::


Este nuevo número del fanzine lo acompañamos de nuestra primera compilación sonora. La idea de partida era abarcar algunas de las diferentes prácticas y formas de entender la experimentación con el sonido. Incluimos cosas que van desde las vertientes más relacionadas con el “field recordings” y sus procesados a trabajos más relacionados con la numerología sónica y las matemágicas (generativa, algorítmica, basada en probabilidad, ect..), tambien incluimos improvisación, drone-analógico abrasivo, livecoding y algunas tracks inclasificables…

No teníamos la pretensión de hacer una compilación exhaustiva ni representativa, es decir no cubrimos todas las diferentes ópticas ni están todos los que nos hubieran gustado incluir, teníamos que guardar algunas joyas para próximas compilaciones… En cuanto a la organización temporal de las tracks, más que fijarnos en la importancia o reconocimiento de los autores (contamos con el placer de pode incluir al grande y cercano Francisco López) hemos intentado construir un hilo conductor atendiendo a la materia sonora, asociando las tracks a diferentes bloques e intentando que las transiciones de unos a otros no fueran demasiado abruptos. Agredecer aquí a todos colaboradores de la compilación su apoyo sonoro al fanzine..


Thursday, January 27, 2011


Al fin en las ondas!!
metaminaFNR es un stream continuo de audio. Un patch de Pure Data corriendo en un servidor elíge aleatoriamente tracks de audio que lee de un archivo de texto y que estan alojadas en y otros hosts. Incluye propuestas de artesonoro, ruidismo, música generativa y algoritmica, improvisación, fieldrecordings, microsounds, todas ellas de marcado caracter experimental y bajo licencias “abiertas”

metaminaFNR is 24h audio stream. A PD patch is running in a server. It chose by random diferents audio-urls from a txt file and play them. Almost all the audio tracks are hosted at In the selection you will listen soundart, noise, algorithmic and generative music, improvisations, field-recordings, microsounds, all of them with a strong experimental character and under “open” licenses.

web : contenido-concepto-code-howto-labels-stream



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